Elaine Chao as secretary of transportation
Betsy DeVos as secretary of education
John Kelly as secretary of homeland security
James Mattis as secretary of defense
Linda McMahon as administrator of Small Business Administration
Steven Mnuchin as secretary of treasury
Tom Price as secretary of health and human services
Jeff Sessions as attorney general
David Shulkin as secretary of veterans affairs
Rex Tillerson as secretary of state
Ben Carson awaits confirmation for secretary of housing and urban development
Mick Mulvaney awaits confirmation for director of Office of Management and Budget
Rick Perry awaits confirmation for secretary of energy
Scott Pruitt awaits confirmation for head of Environmental Protection Agency
Wilbur Ross awaits confirmation for secretary of commerce
Ryan Zinke awaits confirmation for secretary of interior
Andrew Puzder for secretary of labor—hearing scheduled for 2/16
Sonny Perdue for secretary of agriculture: no hearings scheduled yet