A partial shutdown of the federal government began at 12:01 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 22, affecting funding for roughly 25 percent of federal agencies. The university will monitor developments and provide updates on this site and on the @UWFedRelations Twitter account.
Although most of the federal government, including NIH, is already funded, a partial shutdown may impact some on campus. While not exhaustive, research agencies that will be affected include NSF, NOAA, NIST, NASA, and NIFA. In addition, visa applications will likely experience significant delays since the Departments of State and Homeland Security will not have FY 2019 funding.
Research agencies will only have a skeleton crew at work. For example, approximately 60 full-time employees out of more than 2,000 at NSF will continue working during a shutdown. Agencies will stop conducting intramural research, issuing payments, and reviewing grants. In addition, staff will not be available to provide assistance and support to grant recipients.
A detailed shutdown website has been developed by Research and Sponsored Programs to address questions from UW’s research community.
The Office of Management and Budget has released an FAQ to address agency operations, including grants and contracts, and has posted various agency-specific contingency plans.
If you have questions or need additional information, email Federal Relations Director Mike Lenn.