A message from Craig Thompson, Vice Chancellor for University Relations

With numerous recent federal actions relevant to higher education and the workings of the UW–Madison campus, the Office of University Relations has put together a working group on emerging federal issues. Representatives from across campus, including Strategic Communication, the Provost’s Office, the Office of Legal Affairs, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Student Affairs, the Office of Human Resources, the International Division, the Division of Enrollment Management, UWPD, and more, are tracking and responding to the latest executive orders and congressional activity.

The Office of University Relations is working to coordinate communication and information sharing on these issues, and campus units are asked to coordinate with our office before planning communication on federal actions and activities.

As we work to provide campus with timely and accurate information, updates will be posted to federalrelations.wisc.edu and shared with relevant stakeholders. University Relations anticipates ongoing communication to share resources and updates in the coming weeks and months.

Please contact Monica Welke with questions.