The following message was sent to deans, directors, ADs for research, Administrative Council and HR leaders on Jan. 29.
Vice Chancellors and Deans,
Yesterday, Chancellor Mnookin, Provost Isbell, and Vice Chancellor for Research Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska shared an update to the university community regarding the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) call for a temporary pause of all federal agency grant, loan and other financial assistance programs. The update highlighted the appropriateness for federally funded research activities to continue. It also noted that this is a fast-moving situation and in flux.
As has been widely reported, the January 27 OMB memo has since been rescinded.
There remains a range of questions and concerns related to the executive orders, payment of funds under certain open awards, activities of review panels, and the making of new awards. This message provides updated guidance for the immediate term and should be followed until we provide updated guidance. This reflects our ongoing expectation that formerly predictable federal programs will be experiencing new degrees of uncertainty and change.
In this uncertain situation, we are taking several immediate steps related to federal funding:
- First, it is important to not create any new obligations on existing federal awards. This is necessary as we go into the next week and assess the executive orders and ongoing agency communications. Therefore, there should be no hiring on federal funds until we provide additional guidance. The only exception to this is to honor commitments that have already been made via formal job offers. If you have questions about managing specific situations, contact your dean or director.
- Second, it is important to limit discretionary non-personnel commitments on federal funds in the short term. This includes purchases of goods and services, out of state travel, and equipment. Existing discretionary obligations should be reconsidered, as reimbursement by the federal government is not guaranteed. Keep new commitments on federal funds to a minimum for the same reason.
- Third, Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) will continue to coordinate information related to federal research funding. Any and all communications that you receive from federal agencies related to stop work orders, delays on payments for open awards, review panels, and new awards should be shared with RSP using Additional info is posted on the RSP website.
- Finally, University Relations continues to share updates on all aspects of the federal transition issues (including research, but also other areas) on the University Relations website.
Thank you for your assistance, advice, and counsel as we proceed through these challenges. And thank you for your continued patience as we all navigate a fast-changing federal landscape. We will continue to share information and guidance in a timely manner. Please share this within your school, college or division as appropriate. This message is being sent directly to Administrative Council, and the HR Leaders group list.
Charles Isbell, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration